Asking your Facebook Group members questions is a great way to increase engagement! Groups are very people-oriented pages, and you want your members to get the most out of their experience.
While the following prompts will give you some ideas, remember - your page needs to be authentic to you and your personal brand! Before you choose a prompt, ask yourself a few questions:
● How is this relevant to me?
● Would I respond to this prompt myself?
● Will this bring value and spark conversation on my page?
At the end of the day, group prompts should do two things: help your followers get to know you better, and help you get to know your clients more personally! Adding pictures from your personal life that relate to the story you’re telling is always a great idea.
Keep in mind that the anecdotal information in each prompt paragraph should be edited to apply to you and your interests.
Prompt Ideas for Winter 2024
(November 6th, 2024: National Stress Awareness Day) Everyone has stress in their life — and thank goodness we have National Stress Awareness Day to share tips on managing it!
I have three things I turn to after a particularly stressful day: a cup of mint tea, a face mask, and reality TV! As long as I can count on a relaxing night, there’s nothing I can’t handle during the day.
How do you relieve stress after a long day?
(November 12th, 2024: National Happy Hour Day) Some people are in it for the half-price drinks and apps, and others love it for the chance to spend some time with friends. What are we talking about? Happy hour, of course!
In my opinion, there’s nothing better than an excuse to put on a chic outfit and get some good food at your favorite restaurant in the middle of the week. My go-to combo? A margarita and some queso!
Tell me about your perfect happy hour — which drink and appetizer are you ordering?
(November 17th, 2024: National Hiking Day) Even with my AirPods and favorite playlist, going to the gym sometimes feels like a chore. But you know what type of workout I could never get tired of? A great hike through the woods!
Between the views, the fresh air, and the view from the top, hiking just never feels like exercise to me. It’s fun, relaxing, and always a good photo opportunity!
If you’re a fellow hiker, tell me about your favorite spot. Bonus points for a picture of the view!
(November 28th, 2024: Thanksgiving) Happy Thanksgiving! I hope everyone has an amazing day filled with fun, family, and of course, lots of food!
I love all the dishes we make for Thanksgiving dinner — but what gets me most excited is the dessert table! Apple and pumpkin pies are the two most popular Thanksgiving desserts, but pecan pie is my absolute favorite!
What about you? What are you reaching for first on the Thanksgiving dessert table?!
(November 29th — December 2nd, 2024: Black Friday Weekend) Thanksgiving is over, and the holiday shopping season has begun!
I’m always shopping during Black Friday Weekend, whether I head to the mall or shop online while I watch Home Alone on the couch. I try to get ALL my shopping done, but usually, it doesn’t work out that way — I still find myself rushing around at Target just a couple of days before Christmas!
What’s your holiday shopping technique? Do you get it out of the way on Black Friday Weekend, or are you a last-minute shopper like me?
(November: National Gratitude Month) As you might expect for the month of Thanksgiving, November is National Gratitude Month! And while that does mean letting the people you love know how much you care, it’s only a small part of what gratitude is.
This November, make it your mission to spread kindness and gratitude — help your neighbors rake their leaves, donate to a local food pantry, or volunteer to walk some dogs at the shelter!
What are your plans for spreading kindness and gratitude this November?
(December 31st, 2024: New Year’s Eve) Happy (almost) New Year! I look forward to the holidays every year, but New Year’s Eve is my favorite part of the season. There’s just something about the promise of a fresh start that makes the celebration even better!
This year, I’ll be celebrating New Year’s Eve quietly at home — just family, maybe a couple of friends, and those NYE specials on TV!
What about you — have any big plans? Or are you celebrating NYE with a TV special like me?!
(January 1st, 2025: New Year’s Day) Goodbye 2024, Hello 2025! A New Year is full of possibilities — new memories to make, new things to try, and new goals to set for yourself!
Some people think a New Year’s Resolution needs to be this big, profound goal. But, I believe there’s no such thing as too small of a resolution!
This year, my New Year’s Resolution is simply to get outside more. Whether it’s the freezing cold of January or intense humidity of August, I always feel better after I’ve spent some time outside…and I want to embrace it more than ever!
Have you thought of a New Year’s Resolution yet? If so, share it below to keep yourself on track!
(January 4th, 2025: National Trivia Day) Did you know? Today is National Trivia Day!
Whether I’m meeting friends for trivia at the local bar or tuning into Jeopardy at night, I believe there’s never a bad time to learn some fun new facts!
One of my favorite things I’ve learned through trivia? A group of flamingos is called a “flamboyance!”
Now it’s your turn — share a fun fact you’ve learned through trivia in the comments, or ask a question and let us guess the answer!
(January: National Hobby Month) New year, new you, new hobby? If there’s something new you’ve been wanting to try, there’s no better time than National Hobby Month!
Personally, I’ve been wanting to try my hand at birdwatching. I already have so many bird feeders in my yard, and I’d love to know who’s coming to visit me every day!
What hobby are you picking up for National Hobby Month?
I try to dress to impress all year long — but when the holiday season hits, I just can’t resist those big, ugly sweaters!
Ugly Christmas sweaters have become somewhat of a tradition in my household. The whole family will pick one day during December to wear them, and we’ll even give them to each other as gag gifts.
Here’s a picture of me in my favorite ugly Christmas sweater — if you’re a fan like me, share a picture of you in yours!
If you’ve ever celebrated the holidays with a family other than your own, you know how much winter traditions can change from household to household!
One tradition I’ve celebrated my whole life is Christmas Eve pajamas. We each pick one member of the family to buy pajamas for, then we open and wear them on Christmas Eve!
What’s your favorite family tradition during the holidays?
Home for the holidays or family vacation? Everyone has a different take on where the best holidays are spent. Some families have a special spot, and others change their plans year after year!
In my family, we spend the holidays at home. We may travel to a different city for a holiday party, but we never stray too far. There’s just something special about celebrating from the comfort of home!
What are your holiday plans this year? Are you staying at home or traveling somewhere new?
Movie nights are big at my house during the Fall and Winter months. Why? Because there are SO many holiday movies to enjoy!
I always start the season off with one of my favorite tales — Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer! It’s an oldie but a goodie, and I love how well it sets the mood for the holidays.
What’s the #1 movie that always puts you in the festive holiday spirit?
It’s that time of year again — half your neighbors have packed away their decorations, and the other half still have their houses decked out for the holidays!
I’d love to hold onto that holiday feeling all year long, but I believe the decorations need to go within the first couple of weeks of January. After all, how can you embrace the New Year if you haven’t moved on from the last one?!
What’s your opinion — should you take your decorations down right after New Year’s? Or keep them up for as long as possible?
Some parts of the country have been getting a TON of snow over the past few weeks! The child in me is excited, but the grown-up part can’t wait for it to end.
Snow days were fun when I was a kid — waking up to a blanket of snow meant no school for the day, lots of time outside, and hot chocolate when you came back in! But as an adult, all I can think of is clearing the snow off my car and driveway before I can go anywhere.
What’s your opinion on snow days — love them or hate them?
A winter coat can make or break your outfit — but I know I can always count on cabi for a coat that’ll keep me feeling warm AND looking stylish!
I have two jackets I loving in the Fall ‘24 Collection: the cozy Theodore Coat for those afternoon errands, and the deep red Coming In Hot Topper for special occasions.
Which cabi Fall ‘24 jacket are you rocking this Winter?
I always try to eat healthy. But when I’m driving home after a long day, it’s tough to resist that little strip of fast food restaurants on the way!
Fast food from anywhere is great in a pinch — but if I have a choice, I’m choosing Taco Bell every time…with Wendy’s as a close second pick!
What’s your favorite fast food restaurant to stop at when you’re crunched for time? What’s your go-to order?!
When I start a new TV show, I usually want to talk about it. I’ll ask all my friends if they’ve seen it before, then recommend it if they haven’t! But, there are a few shows I like to keep as my secret guilty pleasures.
Here’s my confession — I love to watch Hoarders! Something about seeing the end transformation feels really satisfying to me, and I get so excited when I meet a fellow enthusiast!
I told you mine, now tell me yours! What’s a guilty pleasure show you watch in secret?
If you’re an animal lover like me, you probably never get tired of telling the story of your pet’s adoption day!
We adopted our dog in 2018. She was just eight weeks old, and after we saw her on a rescue site, we knew we had to have her! Cut to a few weeks later, and she’s walking into our house — a little nervous, but definitely excited to be there!
She’s grown up a lot since then, but I still smile while thinking of her as that little puppy who walked through the door six years ago.
Do you remember the day you adopted your pet? Share the story and a photo in the comments!