The best questions are one’s that you know your group will relate to and want to answer. They should create a sense of wonder and awe for the past and/or inspiration for the future.
Remember to be AUTHENTIC and to not steal images from the internet. It's copyrighted and not good practice. Post and create your own! Pull in your product and your FACE in images any way you can!
1. Feb 11th: Make a Friend Day- Hobbies poll, What do you like to do?
a) yoga b) spend time with fur-babies c) shopping d) going to brunch
2. Feb 12th: Clean Out Computer Day- What do you do to clean out your computer?
a) delete cookies b) update software c) clean up desktop icons d) delete old files
3. Feb 13th: Super Bowl- Ask group to share their favorite football snacks
OR What will you wear for the Super Bowl? Post a picture of your outfit.
4. Feb 14th: Valentine’s Day- What is your ideal valentine’s day?
A) fancy date b) chocolates and flowers c) intimate evening d) extravagant gift
5. Feb 18th: National Wine Day- What type of wine do you like?
a) Chardonay b) Pinot Noir c) Riesling d) Sangria
6. Feb 20th: Love Your Pet Day- Ask everyone to post a pic of their fur-baby and a pic of what they were named after.
7. Feb 21st: Presidents Day- How will you spend Presidents day?
a) working b) shopping sales c) same old, same old
8. Any Day - What’s your favorite way to layer?
vote for sweaters OR jackets.
Ask members to share a pic of their favorite layering outfit.
9. Any Day - What is your favorite Winter Recipe?
10. Any Day - Share your favorite Local Spot.
11. Any Day - What is your favorite Olympic Winter Games Sport to watch? Mine is...
12. Any Day - February is the month of LOVE. What I love about my company is.... Giving back to others... how do you give back to others?
13. Any Day - What are your favorite style jeans?
14. Any Day - Who is your fashion role model?
15. Any Day - What’s something you always have on? I always wear my apple watch.. and special necklace from my husband.