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February 2023 Group Prompts

Asking your Facebook Group members questions is a great way to increase engagement! Groups are very people-oriented pages, and you want your members to get the most out of their experience.

While the following prompts will give you some ideas, remember - your page needs to be authentic to you and your personal brand! Before you choose a prompt, ask yourself a few questions:

● How is this relevant to me?

● Would I respond to this prompt myself?

● Will this bring value and spark conversation on my page?

At the end of the day, group prompts should do two things: help your followers get to know you better, and help you get to know your clients more personally! Adding pictures from your personal life that relate to the story you’re telling is always a great idea.

**Keep in mind that the anecdotal information in each prompt paragraph should be edited to apply to you and your interests.**

Prompt Ideas for February

1. (Groundhog Day — February 2nd, 2023) Happy Groundhog Day! As silly as it seems, today’s the day when we ask a groundhog named Punxsutawney Phil whether we’ll have six more weeks of Winter, or if Spring is just around the corner.

Although he’s not always accurate, I think this national tradition is adorable! Whatever Phil’s prediction is this year, I’d like to hear your thoughts.

Are you ready for Spring, or do you love the snowy days and coziness of Winter?

2. (Super Bowl — February 12th, 2023) Happy Super Bowl Sunday! I’m not the biggest fan of football, but this is one game I never miss.

Every year we host a party with friends and neighbors, and I love watching the commercials, placing bets, and of course, eating some delicious appetizers!

Everyone makes food for Super Bowl Sunday, so I’d love to get some ideas for next year.

What’s your favorite Super Bowl appetizer? Bonus points for sharing the recipe!

3. (Valentine’s Day — February 14th, 2023) Happy Valentine’s Day! Whether you’re spending the day with your significant other, your family, or your girlfriends, today’s all about showing those you love how much you care about them.

Some people love getting dressed up and going out for a fancy dinner on Valentine’s Day, while others would prefer a cozy night in. How will you be celebrating Valentine’s Day this year — are you going out or staying in?

4. Whenever I go see my family, one of my favorite things to do is look at old scrapbooks and photo albums and find pictures of myself when I was younger.

Some people find it embarrassing, but I love seeing my own baby pictures and sharing them with friends!

Here’s my favorite baby picture of myself — now, show me yours!

5. Whenever I drive down the highway, I see billboards for Powerball and all the state lotteries advertising the current jackpot.

While I don’t really play the lottery myself, I always fantasize about how my life would change if I ever won!

I’d be responsible at first and pay off all my bills…but then I’d probably splurge on a vacation house somewhere warm! What about you — what’s the first thing you would do if you won the lottery?

6. With all the streaming services we have today, it seems like hundreds of new TV shows come out every year.

Most fall by the wayside and only gather a small audience, but there are always a few that it seems like EVERYONE starts raving about!

I’m always looking for great new shows to start, so if you’re an avid TV watcher, let me know — what’s one TV show that’s absolutely worth the hype?!

7. Cabi has just released the Spring ‘23 Collection, and a lot of my clients are already raving about their favorite pieces!

Based on some of the orders I’ve gotten, I think I have a pretty good idea of what will be popular all season long.

Whether you’ve placed your first order yet or not, I’d love to hear your feedback — what’s your #1 favorite from the new Spring Collection?

8. It’s been about a month since we entered 2023, and a lot of people have the “New Year, New Me!” mindset.

Something a lot of my friends have been doing to celebrate the New Year is switching up their hairstyles – I know some people who’ve dyed their hair a different color, and a few who’ve gone as far as to chop off their long locks in favor of a shorter, easier-to-maintain style!

How are you wearing your hair in the New Year — are you keeping it short or trying to grow it out?

9. I’ve said it time and time again, but picking the perfect outfit for an occasion is one of my absolute favorite parts of getting ready for an event!

I always wait until the day of the event to choose my outfit so I can base it on my hair, makeup, and how I’m feeling that day. But, some people don’t love that part of getting ready as much as I do!

If your closet looks like a tornado ran through it by the time you’re ready to leave, you might prefer picking an outfit for an event WAY ahead of time!

How do you get dressed — do you pick out your outfit the day before, or do you go with how you feel in the moment?

10. Even though it’s only February, I’ve been spending a lot of time daydreaming about vacationing somewhere warm and sunny this summer!

Part of the reason I’ve been so excited about the warmer months is because of the new Spring ‘23 Collection. Whenever I see those gorgeous orange hues, I start mentally packing my suitcase!

Now that we’ve gotten acquainted with the new collection, I’d love to hear your thoughts! What new cabi pieces definitely have a place in your suitcase this summer?

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