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A Page or a Group? What's the best Marketing strategy on Facebook.

Business page, Group page, Personal page…Facebook has so many options, but what is the difference between them? If you have found yourself asking this question or just want to understand Facebook better, I am here to help you out. In this blog, I will detail the purpose of Facebook’s personal page, business page, and group page so you can understand the difference, and which is right for you.


A personal page was likely the first type of page you created when you entered the Facebook world. It’s all about you, your likes and dislikes, where you went to dinner, those cute pictures of your kids eating donuts, and so on. This is NOT the page for your business posts. You can post about your business from time to time, but this space should be saved for your personal posts.


A Business page is a professional platform for your business. A place for people to find your business, ask questions and see products. Unlike your personal page, there won’t be posts about your family event you had this weekend or those pictures from when you were a baby you pulled out of the closet. A Personal page is great for making connections with friends and family and sharing what you love. However, a Business page is just that, business. It’s a place for you to show who you are as a business.

Here is a quick list of benefits of a Business Page:

- It’s Public and people can find you easily.

- People are more likely to follow a business page than “friend” you on a personal page. It’s a smaller commitment.

- Posts can be scheduled ahead of time.

- Shows up in Google search which improves your reach.

- Expected. People expect brands to have a Facebook page where they can find more information.


The best way to explain a Group page is that it is like a book club only for your business. It's bringing a community together digitally around a common interest.

You are the facilitator, no one knows each other (yet) so it is your job to break the ice and get everyone talking. Remember, people don't join groups to be marketed too. They join groups for information, community, a sense of belonging, and to learn about your business.

Here is a quick list of benefits of a Group Page:

-Can be both PRIVATE or PUBLIC. You can share insider information on the latest promotions.

-Foster group chats and give users a sense of community.

-Another great way to show clients who you are and your brand professionally.

- A way to listen in to see what other services you can provide your clients.

Why You Should Have All Three:

If you hand someone your business card how would she look you up to get to know you and your personal service? A Facebook Business page has more credibility, is easier to find, and much more likely for people to follow than a personal page. After all, people want to follow you for your service. They are there to support your business and see business-related posts not your kids/grandkids/dogs, etc. as cute as they may be.

Groups allow you to build a community around your business. It is a safe place for people to chat about Fashion (if that’s your business) and share ideas. It's a digital space where people can feel they belong and make new friends. If you want to run a group you need to be clear on its purpose. Your purpose should be something other than "to reach my audience." Groups take nurturing. If you are not going to nurture your group and put in the time, it is not worth having.

Your business social media should never be a popularity contest. Don’t just add people to your group to add them. Grow it authentically through real connections.

How will you get them to engage and talk to each other? You are responsible for creating this community and helping to build relationships within it.

Need ideas on how to nurture your group? Be sure to ask questions on your group page. It’s okay to be off-topic a bit as the idea is to gain that sense of community and belonging, not just market to people. Ask them what their favorite local restaurant is? Something that speaks to them.

Another way to get your group off to a great start is to….POST YOUR FACE! Yes really, people need to know who you are so you can earn their trust. That starts with posting about YOU!

Sometimes it takes a bit to launch a group. Members can sometimes see it as your business group that only you can post to it. Have a good friend in the group? Ask her to post in the group to break the ice. She can introduce herself and share her favorite product. Or if you can’t get her to post her face have her post her latest shopping find or favorite quote. Anything goes!

Cabi Stylist? Here are some great FASHION RELATED examples of questions to ask your group:

What piece of clothing have you received the most compliments on?

What is something in your closet you can never part with?

Do you plan out your wardrobe for the week? Or pick each morning?

What is the best style advice you have ever gotten?

What is your favorite color for shoes?

What is your go-to item for comfort?

Do you prefer Strap Sandals or Flats?

Would you rather have an amazing shoe closet or a clothes closet?

What is the most vintage cabi item in your closet?

You can always sprinkle in some questions just for fun like:

Do you work from home with furry coworkers? I want to see them!

What are you watching on Netflix these days? I need a new show!

Does anyone have a great picture of their little ones walking around in your high heels or other shoes? Let’s share them here for a dose of cuteness

Do you prefer Netflix with popcorn and candy or a charcuterie board and wine?

What’s your favorite Girl Scout cookie?

Overall, all three pages are good to have. Your Personal page is your base, your starting point. It’s what you will use to connect with family and friends and then what you will use to start your business page. Your Business page will put your business on the map (so to speak) and allow potential clients to find you and see your products. Lastly, the Group page is where you will build a community around your business and foster relationships with your clientele.

I recommend having all three and interacting with them frequently. Post three times per week and be sure to engage, engage, engage! People want a connection, which means having conversations.

Want to have a conversation and talk strategy? Book a free 30-minute consultation with Promote Creatively HERE.

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